Yes, you got it. Web directories.
There are thousands of web directories online and some of them cater to specific topics while others have every topic under the sun. Some are free and others have monthly / annual subscriptions. Surprisingly, I find that some directories in Australia charge anywhere between $200 - $300 for a one-time inclusion. When compared to US where the competition is high, the subscription fees can be anywhere between $1 - $19.99. Many of them are free. Some ask for reciprocal links which may or may not be mandatory.
Some tips when doing directory web site submission:
- Before submission, ensure you have your keyword, title, short description (100 words), long description (1000 words) kept handy. Type it in a Word doc and do a copy and paste when necessary instead of typing it all over again. This will save you time.Here is what a submission will look like:
Title: This is the title on the blue bar of your browser
Description: Use keyword rich description of your business
Email address: Use a generic one ( as you will get a lot of mails from these sites. You can unsubsribe them later.
- Ensure your site is fully operational and there are no broken links. Here is a free tool to check for broken links on your site.
- The best ones to go for when getting started are the free ones
- Get one way links and avoid reciprocal links if you are not going to be able to show them prominently on your website.
- There are tools which do the job. If you are a website owner who needs to use this service once or twice a year, it may be adviseable for you to get an external agency to do it for you. It will work out cheaper.
- Some directories require a human to validate and type in the security code. In these cases, manual submission is the best.
You can submit your site or add your url to as many as 200+ directories on the internet which do not charge anything.