Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Online SEO Tools

There are online tools which you can use to track customers who visit your site. It gives you information of -

Which country they come from?
The screen resolution they use
Which sites do they come from?
IP addresses of visitors
How long do they remain on the site?
What pages do they visit?

If buying, when did they change their mind about buying the product?
How many visitors per day?

With all this information at their fingertips, it revolutionizes the way businesses can influence their customers. They can take advantage of customer behaviours, likes, dislikes, wishlists (if any) and enhance the user experiences in a thousand ways.
An example of an online tool is the Google Analytics. All you need to do is put the code that Google gives you, to each page of your HTML code which is important in the user experience. Then track it by using the maps and graphs that Google provides. It has information suitable to a marketing person, an executive or a webmaster. With the varied level of details, it is easy to select what you want to see, monitor it for some days and then make necessary changes to your site.
This is a powerful way where website owners can get to know their customers better and in the long run increase sales and convert leads by optimizing their site.
Search engine optimization for ecommerce sites is a powerful tool that all website owners are beginning to see value in.

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